您要打印的文件是:天妒英才 PearPC作者、22岁天才程序员去世

天妒英才 PearPC作者、22岁天才程序员去世

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  相信很多人还没有从中国模拟器先驱李可文逝世的阴影中走出来,但今天又有不好的消息传来。首款能让x86平台模拟运行Mac OS X软件PearPC的作者之一Stefan 'steveman' Weyergraf因遇车祸医治无效死亡,年仅22岁。


  “Yesterday evening at 23:00 one of my best friends, one of my best critics, one of the most valuable programmers of PearPC, the one who could help me in all situations, the one with whom I had the best time of my life, died after getting hit by a train.

  Stefan 'steveman' Weyergraf -- Rest In Peace. We'll never forget you.”



  PearPC是一款开放源代码、并符合GNU协议的PowerPC模拟器,其作者是Sebastian Biallas和Stefan Weyergraf。使用这款模拟器可以在x86平台上运行那些原来只能运行于PowerPC平台上的软件,- 比如Mac OS X,GNU/Linux for PPC等等。